According to Dr Eric Finzi, there is a direct correlation between a person’s facial expressions and their mental health. In his book, The Face of Emotion, he discusses how strongly he feels about this connection. Test out Dr. Finzi’s theory with this simple experiment: Find a time when you are feeling sad or depressed, and force yourself to smile, or even laugh out loud. Although it is not a miracle cure, you will find yourself feeling slightly happier. So too, Dr. Finzi theorizes if an individual has Botox injections into their frown lines or forehead creases, that look of a rested, happy face will create a happy feeling within.

This theory, while provocative, is not without its backing philosophies. Many doctors, including neurobiologist Antonio Damasio, have discussed the “body loop” sensation, where the brain reacts to what the body physically does. So the concept is that feelings are a direct reaction to what the body is doing and experiencing. You are afraid, because your body is tense and rigid.

Botox is definitely not a cure for depression or sadness, and Dr. Finzi does admit this, however he does highlight some successful cases of patients who were being treated for depression and felt markedly happier after their Botox treatments. Feeling and looking good on the outside can definitely affect our moods, and it seems that Botox may be just one step further in looking and feeling our best.

It definitely does cause some contemplation of the chicken or the egg variety. For example, do we eat healthy because we are feeling good about ourselves, or do we feel good about ourselves because we eat healthy?

Either way, Dr. Finzi’s research is compelling and thought-provoking and will prove an interesting notion to keep watching in the years to come.